truck accidents

Commercial drivers are held to higher DUI regulations

Commercial drivers are held to higher standards than those who drive other vehicles. Why? Their vehicles are large and dangerous. When a semitruck or commercial vehicle gets into a crash, the stakes are higher for everyone involved. Larger vehicles tend to cause more serious accidents, and that means that even a low-speed collision could result… read more

How does weather affect the ability to drive?

Imagine driving down the highway. Suddenly, there’s a cloud burst and rain falls. Immediately, you try to brake, but your vehicle starts to slide. Why? The oil and rain have mixed to make the road slick. In your attempt to slow, you swerve and barely miss someone in another lane. Fortunately, you drive away without… read more

1 killed in 3-vehicle accident involving 2 semis

Crashes are bad enough when they’re between two small vehicles, but when they involve multiple semi-trucks, they can be lethal. The size of these vehicles makes them likely to crush and damage vehicles of all sizes, putting everyone’s lives at risk. Add to that the risk of hazardous materials spilling or the truck’s load breaking… read more

What really caused your accident with a trucker?

In just one year, nearly 300 Californians were killed in accidents involving large trucks, according to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration. Flat beds, 18-wheelers and semis are huge when compared to passenger vehicles. Driving them can be a challenge, even for professional drivers. Commercial truckers carry a lot of responsibility as accidents involving their… read more

FMCSA reaffirms 30-minute break requirement

California truck drivers will need to continue taking their required 30-minute breaks during their first eight hours of driving time each day. In August 2016, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration denied a petition by the Commercial Vehicle Safety Association to lift the break requirement. The CVSA represents inspectors of trucks and buses nationwide. The… read more

Truckers may be forced to drive slower

In California and around the country, vehicles weighing over 26,000 pounds may soon have their maximum speed controlled by an electronic device. Over 3.5 million trucks already have this tool installed and just need them to be activated. A decision hasn’t been made on whether the speed limitations will be forced onto truckers, but the… read more

Proving a truck driver is liable for an accident

California residents who become involved in vehicle accidents with commercial trucks understand just how damaging those crashes can be. If a person is dealing with an injury or other damage that was caused by a commercial vehicle accident, there are certain things they will need to know when thinking about filing a lawsuit. In order… read more

Autonomous driving technology for California trucks

Trucking component supply companies ZF and WABCO have announced the next stage in autonomous driving technology for truckers. The companies have previously released such collision avoidance technology as WABCO’s OnGuard braking system and ZF’s steering system, but this joint venture blends technology from both lines. The Evasive Maneuver Assist system was announced on June 28… read more

Truck accident injuries on the rise

Fatal truck accidents decreased in 2014 throughout the country from the previous year, but injury rates were up, and truckers in California and across the U.S. are wondering what is causing this. According to a report from the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, there was a 21 percent increase in truck accident injuries in 2014,… read more

DOT delays proposed rules for trucking industry again

Two proposed trucking industry regulations, which would affect drivers in California and around the country, have been delayed again. The rules have yet to be finalized. One would mandate that carriers install speed limiters on all trucks weighing more than 27,000 pounds. The other would require carriers to annually report truckers that fail or refuse… read more