
7 simple steps to prevent a car accident

The justice system in the United States has you covered if a reckless or unlawful driver hurts you, but wouldn’t it be better to prevent your car accident in the first place? The answer to this question is obvious, but it’s worth asking the question to draw attention to the fact that an ounce of… read more

Stay safe while shopping this upcoming holiday season

Although Halloween 2017 is now in the can, the holiday shopping season kicks off this month. Soon, shoppers will turn out in droves for the hottest holiday gifts at the lowest prices. The horde of shoppers on Black Friday and throughout the entire holiday season increase the frequency of shopping injuries. If you plan to… read more

How does weather affect the ability to drive?

Imagine driving down the highway. Suddenly, there’s a cloud burst and rain falls. Immediately, you try to brake, but your vehicle starts to slide. Why? The oil and rain have mixed to make the road slick. In your attempt to slow, you swerve and barely miss someone in another lane. Fortunately, you drive away without… read more