
There are many methods of diagnosing a concussion

Any type of brain injury is serious. It does not matter if you have sustained what you believe is just a hard knock to the noggin, even a seemingly minor incident can lead to a traumatic brain injury. Not only can this affect your life right now, but it can also change the course of… read more

Are You A Caregiver For Someone With A Brain Injury?

A traumatic brain injury can affect every aspect of your life. However, there are some instances in which only one or two symptoms are present. If you have a loved one who is dealing with a traumatic brain injury, you should try to understand how the injury might affect your loved one. Difficulties with caregiving… read more

What medical damages can I claim in my car accident case?

The most important damages that most plaintiffs seek in a car accident injury claim relate to medical costs. As all Roseville residents know, the costs of medical care are completely unaffordable for the average person. Without insurance money or other kinds of financial assistance, most people would never be able to see a doctor. In… read more

Nursing home sued for wrongful death

A nursing home known as the California Armenian Home is being sued over an alleged wrongful death by the daughter of a resident who passed away. Though the company was doing business under the aforementioned name, the lawsuit technically targets a company called California Home for the Aged Inc. The elderly man who passed away… read more