
Teen driving facts you must know in California

Typically, whenever you begin to learn a new skill, it takes some time to be able to do it well. This is true for playing instruments, playing sports and driving cars. This is why 16-year-old drivers crash more often than any other age group in California. The problem isn’t just confined to first-year drivers, however…. read more

Test your personal injury law knowledge (Answers)

Welcome back. This post will reveal the answers to the questions that were posed in our last post’s quiz on your personal injury law knowledge. Answers: 1. No. While most personal injury cases involve negligence, there are some cases that involve strict liability or intentional misconduct.  An example of a personal injury case involving strict… read more

Test your personal injury law knowledge (Quiz)

Personal injury refers to legal disputes that occur when one person suffers a harm from an accident or injury that someone else may be responsible for. In many personal injury cases, it is the person who was injured taking on the responsible party’s insurance company for a fair settlement. Many of us end up having… read more

Last pending case against Yamaha over Rhino ATV decided

More than 10 years ago, Yamaha introduced an all terrain vehicle (ATV) called the Rhino. Many off-roading enthusiasts were thrilled with the release, as the Rhino was packed with the power and terrain ability of a typical ATV or four-wheeler, but allows a driver and passenger to sit side-by-side, much like a golf cart. In… read more

When a dog attacks a small child

For parents with small children, there are few things that can stoke terror in their hearts as much as their child suffering serious injuries. One circumstance under which small children are sometimes seriously injured are dog attacks. When a dog attacks a small child, the child’s face and neck may end up taking the brunt… read more

Questions still remain following Southern California train crash

Investigators are trying to piece together the cause of a major train derailment in Southern California last week. On Tuesday, 50 people were injured when a double-decker Metrolink commuter train derailed in Oxnard after running into a truck that was parked on the tracks at a crossing. After the accident, the driver of the truck… read more

How can children stop a dog attack in California?

Children are often in more danger during a dog attack than adults, especially since it is easier for a dog to bite a child in the upper body, such as the face and neck, while a taller adult may only be bitten on the hands. Before medical help can be given to a child who… read more

Creativity in the courtroom: Using a Fitbit to prove your case

Have you heard about the Fitbit device? If you live in California, chances are that you have. Fitbit is a line of wearable activity trackers that measure data, including the number of steps you have walked during a day. The trackers can be great for people who are trying to lead healthier lives, but soon… read more