
Elderly man killed in pedestrian accident in California

Pedestrians and drivers alike need to be cautious and aware of their surroundings, particularly on busy streets. Sadly, accidents involving pedestrians often result in serious injury or fatality. This was true for a recent pedestrian accident in California involving an elderly gentlemen and a delivery truck that resulted in the loss of a life. The… read more

Witnesses of bicycle accident help locate suspect

People who witnessed a hit-and-run accident involving a vehicle and an “adult tricycle” in Ramona helped officials locate the driver. The bicycle accident sent a 69-year-old man to the hospital and left police searching for the driver of who fled the scene. A California Highway Patrol officer stated that the victim is well known for… read more

Motorcycle accident in California proves fatal

Motor vehicle accidents can be severe enough, but when at least one of the vehicles involved is a motorcycle, the risk to human life can be even higher. The body, while resilient, is still fragile and motorcycles offer much less protection than a car. Even experienced riders are no match for a car when a… read more